For those of you who don't know, there is nothing quite like a coptic orthodox wedding. There is all the formality and tradition and respect and culture of any church wedding, and then there is the wildness, the enthusiasm, the sheer unrestrained warmth and excitement.
George and Eyvon's wedding was no exception, with cameras everywhere, with people everywhere, with joy and enthusiasm and celebration everywhere.
With groom George getting ready at the Radisson Blu hotel in Heathrow, and bride Eyvon prepping at the Gloucester Road Millenium, it was a long haul for the boys, but a short hop in a classic white Rolls Royce for the girls to get to St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church in Allen Street, Kensington.
After the ceremony, we all returned to the Raddisson for a fantastic night of full-on dancing and partying, the full films of which I'll post up soon - we certainly couldnt want for material, that's for sure.
For now, congratulations George and Eyvon and all my best wishes for the future